Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson, Terri Seymour, Terry Seymour, The Team, Grauman's Chinese Theatre Photo - Terri Seymour arrives at the premiere of "The A-Team" held at Grauman's Chinese Theatre accompanied by novelty military fanfare.  The action, adventure film, which stars Liam Neeson and new Hollywood hunk Bradley Cooper, will be released in theaters on June 11th, kicking off the summer Blockbuster season.  Last summer Cooper starred in the blowout comedy "The Hangover" which is in the running for the Best Movie award at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards.  "The A-Team" is based on 1983-87 American television series of the same name. Los Angeles, CA. 06/03/10.

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  • Photo Details
  • Caption: Terri Seymour arrives at the premiere of "The A-Team" held at Grauman's Chinese Theatre accompanied by novelty military fanfare. The action, adventure film, which stars Liam Neeson and new Hollywood hunk Bradley Cooper, will be released in theaters on June 11th, kicking off the summer Blockbuster season. Last summer Cooper starred in the blowout comedy "The Hangover" which is in the running for the Best Movie award at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards. "The A-Team" is based on 1983-87 American television series of the same name. Los Angeles, CA. 06/03/10.
  • Celebrity:

    Bradley Cooper


    Liam Neeson


    Terri Seymour


    Terry Seymour


    The Team


    Grauman's Chinese Theatre

  • Event:

    The A Team Premiere

    June 4, 2010
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States
  • Image Number: 4746313
  • Dimensions: 2301x3646 px
  • Photographer: GTCRFOTO

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