Michelle Rodriguez Photo - Actress Michelle Rodriguez, who is known for her tough girl image, enjoys a lollipop while out and about Beverly Hills wearing a cool leather biker jacket, leggings and aviator sunglasses.  Rodriguez was recently in San Diego for the 2010 Comic-Con and she reportedly caused a stir when asked if she'd consider taking on some different film roles saying, 'What do you mean? Get raped and win an Oscar?' Rodriguez can be seen next in the action film "Machete". Los Angeles, CA. 07/27/10.

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  • Photo Details
  • Caption: Actress Michelle Rodriguez, who is known for her tough girl image, enjoys a lollipop while out and about Beverly Hills wearing a cool leather biker jacket, leggings and aviator sunglasses. Rodriguez was recently in San Diego for the 2010 Comic-Con and she reportedly caused a stir when asked if she'd consider taking on some different film roles saying, 'What do you mean? Get raped and win an Oscar?' Rodriguez can be seen next in the action film "Machete". Los Angeles, CA. 07/27/10.
  • Celebrity:

    Michelle Rodriguez

  • Event:

    Michelle Rodriguez Leather Jacket

    July 27, 2010
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States
  • Image Number: 4806318
  • Dimensions: 2485x3376 px
  • Photographer: GTCRFOTO

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