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Sofia Vergara photos


Sofia Vergara photos

One of the simple truths for women in Hollywood is that if you’re not young, you’re not hot. While there are a few women who have managed to break this rule, most young women wind up being put into different roles as they age, often becoming grandmothers in film before they’re even 50 years old. There are, however, a few actresses who have gotten even sexier as they have aged, and one of those actresses is Sofia Vergara.

Sofia Vergara was born in Columbia. Her mother kept the house and her father worked for the meat industry. When she was young she was walking on a beach and was discovered by a photographer. Soon after that she began acting in television commercials. Her background, however, made it more difficult than for most actresses to work in film or to model. She was raised  as a devout Catholic, which meant that she felt that she needed permission from special people in her life, those who worked for the church, before she was able to start working in film or as a model.

Although you’d never know that when you look at the Sofia Vergara photos you’d never know that she was a devout catholic, as many of the Sofia Vergara photos you’ll find show her wearing very little clothing. Clad in only a bikini, in many of the photos she is definitely flaunting her amazing body and making most men wish that they could claim her as their own. But don’t let the Sofia Vergara photos you find fool you – this is one actress who can pull off any role she needs to. And if she continues to age as she currently has, she’ll be gorgeous when she’s starting to get wrinkles and beyond.
