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Stephenie Meyer photos


Stephenie Meyer photos

Think about how many names of actors or actresses you know. Then think about how many names of singers or bands you know. Then think about how many names of authors you know. Chances are pretty good, if you’re like most people, that you know the names of far more celebrities than you do authors. That is generally because most authors, while they can eke out a living, do not achieve a huge amount of fame or worldwide recognition. You have to hit the right type of writing, at the right time, in order to achieve true fame, just as Stephenie Meyer did.

Meyer is best known for creating the Twilight series of books, novels about vampires, werewolves, and forbidden love. She states that the idea of the books came to her when she was dreaming and that the idea was so strong that she simply had to write about the characters. Before writing Twilight Meyer had studied English Literature but had never attempted to publish anything as large as a novel and says that she was shocked at how much work you had to put into publishing. That is why you can find very few Stephenie Meyer photos of the author before her breakout series hit the stands.

Now, however, you can find a number of Stephenie Meyer photos. Most of the Stephenie Meyer photos you’ll find are of the author posing in a studio, but there are also a number of them showing her at the premiere for the Twilight movies or at book signings. Unlike celebrities, Meyer doesn’t seek fame but loves to continue writing works that the public enjoys reading. Many have compared her to Steven King or J.K. Rowling, but only time will tell if we’ll be seeing more Stephenie Meyer photos in the future or not.

